Herbs for Animals!

Tuesday, July 9
Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London

Kat Drovdahl M.H., C.R., Dipl.H.Ir., C.E.I.T

            •  Learn how you can use herbs in place of pharmaceuticals
            • Hear about herbal remdies and preventions for common and serious conditions in your animals
  • Discover how to build your confidence using natural alternatives for your animals


Kat Drovdahl M.H., C.R., Dipl.H.Ir., C.E.I.T. For starters, this is what all of those letters mean: Master Herbalist, Certified Reflexologist, Diplomate of Holistic Iridology, Certified Equine Iridology Technician & Researcher, International Certification in Aromatherapy, and she’s an author…Whew!  You go girl!  Katherine lives with her husband in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon, where they tend to their Fir Meadow herd of LaMancha dairy goats, Alpacas, Norwegian Fjord draft horses, poultry, farm pets and gardens. Katherine obtained her Master of Herbology from the internationally acclaimed School of Natural Healing. She is also a Certified Reflexologist, a Diplomate of Holistic Iridology from the highly respected international College of Iridology, a Certified Equine Iridology Technician and has International Certification in Aromatherapy from the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy. She continues to study alternative wellness for the betterment of all.


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 Take a look at Kat’s book on herbs for animals,
it’s a wonderful home reference guide to help with
which herbs to use for what and how to use them: