My dog Holly was suffering from Injured front right leg, Hip dysplasia, Spinal issues Mental deterioration and/or neurological disorder, Fear, Nervousness, Stress, Shaking and Depression. Within a day of being on the Energy she had way more energy and was much more like herself in so many ways.
Within a day of being on the Energy She had way more energy and was much more like herself in so many ways. For the first time in several weeks she actually came to greet me at the front door when I came in from outside which is what she always use to do every single time I came in the front door for over 8 years. As I write this I have tears of joy in my eyes and so much love and gratitude in my heart for you and Michael.
Holly continues to improve each day, especially with her mental state. She hasn’t been nervous or shaking at all for the last few days and instead is so happy and full of life and continues to be more and more herself each day. These symptoms of depression, fear, nervousness have disappeared.
So many little things that mean so much.
– Carl