Tuesday, December 4, Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London
Sarah De La Mer
- Hear about Sarah’s personal journey to developing & honing her intuition
- Learn practical tips & techniques to develop your intuition
- This promises to be an insightful hour with live Q & A!!!
Sarah De La Mer is Ireland’s best known psychic, healer & astrologer. Sarah is an experienced seer, writer and healer with mediumistic ability. Skilled with animals and humans alike, she is recognized for her high degree of accuracy and strong empathy. As well as a clairsentient, clairaudient and clairvoyant, she is a certified Reiki and Aura Soma practitioner. Sarah uses prayer along with various visualization techniques to shift your energies to a better place. Her voice and words have a strong healing resonance so the healing works whether you type to, talk with or listen to a recording. An established TV and Radio personality, Sarah’s writing is regularly published in many newspapers and magazine and she is the author of Starscope published by Poolbeg, Ireland. You can find more information about Sarah and private readings at www.sarahdelamer.com