Especially for Empaths & HSP’s: Naturally Increasing your Intuition & Discovering your Divine Vision

Christel Hughes

  • The Mystery behind Hypersensitivity ~ you’d never know it!
  • What is Hypersensitivity and how is it created in the energetic part of your life?
  • What causes you to be Super Sensitive and how to shift your perspective from it being an enemy to it being a Superpower?
  • Uncover why this Hyper-sensitive experience is happening to you
  • Discover the #1 reason Empaths & HSP’s feel as if they don’t fit in
  • PLUS Christel will be doing live intuitive energy readings!

Christel Hughes is an inspiring Holistic Life coach, known as the “Spiritual Trainer to the Stars”, specializing in self-development and transformation for individuals throughout the world. Christel facilitates seminars on the Power of the Mind to Manifest, Developing Intuition, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Fears, and Relationship Strategies. She is passionate and soulful as she motivates people every day to discover their purpose work, so that they can live a life of joy, health and abundance. Charismatic and creative, with compassion and humor, Christel guides each person to actualize his or her potential.

Most people know Christel for her lightning-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings. Christel’s work has broadened to include multiple programs and pathways to Higher Consciousness and Energetic Transformation. Christel’s purpose is to bring and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth.

“Nothing gives me more joy than knowing that I have assisted my clients in discovering their intuitional wisdom, allowing them to take action in alignment with their higher guidance and thus living a life of passion on purpose.”
~Christel Hughes

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