Locating Lost Animals

Lori Spagna Learn about using animal communication and other effective techniques to find a lost animal This is something that isn’t practiced or shared ny many animal communicators, so get ready for some amazing insights! It is time to radically change the way we interact with all animals on this planet, and our animal companions[…]

Herbs for Animals!

Tuesday, July 9 Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Kat Drovdahl M.H., C.R., Dipl.H.Ir., C.E.I.T.   Learn how you can use herbs in place of pharmaceuticals Hear about herbal remdies and preventions for common and serious conditions in your animals Discover how to build your confidence using natural alternatives for your animals   Kat Drovdahl M.H.,[…]

Bonus: Animals as Messengers at Sea!

o Join a supportive community of heart centered individuals who share your interest in deepening your connection with animals while on a cruise with me! Use the power of the sea to immerse yourself in the learning and connecting in person with me!  You must reserve your spot for this retreat at sea now by July 15, 2014 Extended until[…]

Music for Cats

Thursday, July 3rdNoon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Species-specific music was a NY Times #1 idea All of the music that you ever heard, every note, every phrase was written by and for humans. Human music can often irritate or increase anxiety in our animals For the first time ever, there is authentic music for cats. A hundred years[…]

Chiropractic for Animals!

Tuesday, July 1st Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Dr. Kamen is infamous for teaching horse, dog & cat owners how to restore normal joint function and improve their animal’s quality of life Chiropractic gets results without drugs, surgery, or side effects—and it’s inexpensive! Dr. Kamen’s sense of humor and true love for the animals comes through[…]