“Remarkable Recovery of Back”

“Andy is a 11 year old thoroughbred who was in a bad jumping wreck a couple of years ago. Andy is underweight as most horses go.  Maybe by a 100-150 lbs.  Also Andy’s backbone protrudes.   He has been used hard in his life.  My thought is that when horses are in some level of pain[…]

“A Miracle Transformation”

“My cat Sophia had a crippled Right hind leg, Low energy, Spinal/skeletal deformities , and possibly symptoms of Addison’s disease. She was on the energy for a month and now she is completely healed and healthy. It is truly a miracle!!!” – Frank

“Much Happier Dog”

My dog Holly was suffering from Injured front right leg, Hip dysplasia, Spinal issues Mental deterioration and/or neurological disorder, Fear, Nervousness, Stress, Shaking and Depression. Within a day of being on the Energy she had way more energy and was much more like herself in so many ways. Within a day of being on the[…]